Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sugar Loop 2010 - From Sap to Syrup

From Sap to Syrup...
Mojo and Rad boilin' down sap. This is an all day process of feeding the fire and adding sap. It takes a little over 40 gallons of sap to equal one gallon of syrup.
We bought a new stainless steel pan this's so lovely!
Thanks to Paul at
for such a nicely made pan.
Sap at a rapid boil.

Kiah and Ona call it a day and make the trek home. 
We transport the remaining sap to our outdoor kitchen. Here we boil it down on the stove. We take it to 119 degrees, then strain it from the faucet into jars.
The jar on the left is from the "first run" batch. The jar on the right is from the 2nd run.
This painting from our dear friend, Jen, sums it all up...Maple sap is such a blessing! Making your own maple syrup sure makes you feel "connected" because you know right where it's coming from!


The Sitting Tree said...

This looks like so much fun! We recently took a hike through my brother's new acreage and found loads of maple trees, so hopefully next year we'll have some sweet syrup from the earth!

PurePixie said...

I will think of you next time I have maple sirup! Thank you! :)